February 7, 2014 Common Thread Collective Poetic Conscious’stream Is. 12

“I pledge allegiance to Mother Earth

And all the life which she supports.

ONE planet, in our care,

Irreplaceable, with sustenance and respect for all”

-not my words… not sure who’s…



We are ready for the change

Gather us in

An accumulation of crystal visions

Each perspective adding contours

Like cumulous cloud forms

Ready for the transformation

The alchemy of time transfiguring mind and matter

Into new physical forms and ways of being

Ready the floodgates to be open

Filled with precious intuition carefully collected

Over years of listening listening listening to the sound of a world gone awry

Let them open and spill into the drought worn land of our disillusionment

Let them open and spill forth with the creative quenching

Washing away the chemical manipulation

That dried up and hid how heirloom phantasies are withering

That mirage on the horizon is waiting for our belief in the water we need

This year is a horse at my side and ready

We both made it through the muck left by the coal ash, chemicals and bitumen spilling

Now to spring forth, for this toxic deceit is not worth drinking

The fire inside is set for cleansing

Set muscle to bone taught tendons to vault beyond their barbed fencing

The foundations running away from our feet

Are the stones they made to appear perfect but their lies are hollow and empty

We toss the stones the Builders refuse in front for our trodding

Each step faithfully grips a new reality

With each breath together we define what is to be seen

Our visions form vast expanses of vibrant hues of every brilliant color

Feeding fully from the compost of unnecessary deceit

To grow strong wills, opening with transparent clarity

Unafraid to blossom with potent vulnerability

We are ready

To be seen as interdependencies

Rotating lines of horizons and vertices

Spiraling perfect geometry

There is no musician and instrument

We are all fingers and strings

We are all elements of breath and brass and reed

We are all pores in the skin stretched taut

And we hone our will to stretch with what’s taught

By the breeze and the bird and river canal

By the root and the worm and rotting core

By the stem and flower and fruit into seed

We hum with the rhythm of the Universe’s composing

The drum of the heart is our gospel singer


Hands to grasp the hoop of all relating

Here we find all once lost

Is still rippling with longing

We are ready.

January 17, 2014 Common Thread Collective Poetic Commentary Is.9


Common Threads weave through every heARTform


One Soul calling out to the whole

Words echo from a dream-state:

“We should wake

And not be held by some unrefined vision of it.”



A lingering vision:

Footfalls upon brittle plants

An entire field of dark decimation

Crumbling away… the vision fades


Eyes Wide

Open to the globe

Out from the covers

Feet to the floor


Perception seeking

Realities of life on Earth

Lifting the veil

One foundation to explore


Many lenses offer insight

Rays of light shine through prisms at different angles, through different facets

Each reveal and obscure distinctive elements

Truth is amorphous and unprejudiced


Truth, amorphous and unprejudiced, sliced into wedges and put through a juicer

Blood oranges of pain and hunger paint this glass red

Fermented brutality of prejudice perpetuated by dogmatic fanaticism

                                                                   By ethnic and cultural discrimination

                                                                                    By corporate detachment

                                    Blood fruit, soured, floods the fertile earth and my cup

                       Tearful tsunamis of salty decimation pinched and dashed upon

Lemons add acid, golden and unmerciful

One from the tree in the yard

                        One from the tree plantation

                        One’s citrus burns through the ink on the codex

One’s citrus adds fuel to passion’s will to cleanse

Eat through the scum clouding the focus of a billion eyes

                         Or eat through the wisdom left for the future to learn from

Then, the kale, vital medicine, secret weapon

            Green leaves grown in the bitter cold

                        Acids, of whatever intention, unlock the essential minerals of body nourishment


One world Being

            Strong limbs

            Weak ligaments

Drink down this concoction


Let this fuel facilitate remembrance

Re member the body aggregate

Lift the veils on every dimension

From cellular membrane

To humanity’s fenced-in conditions


Conditional life

Cannot foster unconditional love

Oh! One

Make a choice!


Unconditionally envision

New sprouts beneath the broken

Uplifted by regeneration

Soothe the soreness of this body made broken

By the mouth

                        So blinded by the selfish eyes

Not to see its hunger was the foot

                        Starved apart for the hand that only fed it’s other

            And died only to become ghostly bones dancing on pages yet to be written


Let every One


Hand to mouth to feed the foot

I’s that see whether open to within or to without

But all ways open

To be uncovered by the hunger to witness, comprehend, appreciate

All the gifts every aspect brings to this presence.

December 13, 2013

December 13, 2013

Reality Bytes (Poetic Commentary)

Alexandria “Rain” Smith

Dedicated to the transfigured bodies that have been so asked to trade pounds of flesh and bone, for radiation and chemotherapy; asked to “Slash, burn and poison” their own journey. Spirit whole despite body.

Cancers have come to ask us to bear the scars of the relationship our species has come to inflict upon the equally living body of this planet at our feet and there are as many variations on how this cancerous disease grows into our being as there are seeds blowing on the winds—well as used to be blown about before the Economic entomologist figured out the most profitable reasons to develop chemicals on massive scales. With a greatness now that truly rivals the development of petroleum, but they are more like monstrous Siamese twins than competitors, for it is so convenient that atomic science has enabled dead-creation to fracture the ancient flora’s fertile compost into pieces far removed from the peace of the ancient waterdance that helped give birth to the black gold we defile the water with today. Spilling it through patched and inspected to be unworthy pipelines like intravenously shooting up with a needle shared too many times and hungry to infect life with compounds enabling Auto Immune Disease Syndromes to seek and conquer like Drones precision shooting up entire school yards and community activist family homes with their shrapnel with their undiscriminating aim to kill kill kill, the echoing refrain of the fear of the unknown or the fear of being figured out. Work! Spend! The capitalist refrain of the empty economic theory of endless growth that only makes sense to me if you perceive that the earth itself enabled the human species along with countless, incredible others tens of hundreds of thousands of circles around a star to endlessly grow into new and ever more enchanting life forms until one became so pompous to believe that life could be so vital to the one that it could bear to live without all the miraculous relations that openly offer up the medicine another soul is calling for. For when you open your perception to encompass the whole story being told upon this little spinning blue reflecting ball there is more compassion being shared across the species borders than within and between our own…

In 1981 at a Conference held by the National Alliance of Business, Pres. Ronald Reagan said, “Excessive Government spending, taxing and regulating no matter how well intended is a formula for disaster. Volunteer activities and philanthropy play a role as well as economic incentives and investment opportunities. To be certain we’re talking about America’s deep sense of generosity (HA!)—but we’re also talking about a buck for business if it helps to solve our social ills.”

As for the former message of this statement I’d like to know what it’d be like in my lifetime (I was born 2 years after that conference took place) to have the branches of our government that are imagined to be regulating the products in our markets to protect our health and safety actually doing that, but if the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) gets passed that’s never going to happen.

And as for the last bit… Yeah, if it helps to solve our ills, that’s the business best engaged in, a job worth doing, if only because vitally necessary the worst job is born with deep dignity and pro’vocation to be busy. I’d personally love to see more beings beautiful busyness watching out for bees, helping them and all the countless interrelations flowing from their pollinating making the world more vibrant, verdant, colorful, a scent’suous dance —as though the path to sweet honey’s making secretly weaves sweetness into the daydream of the planet, innerwoven like the tides of the Moon’s song beating seas, rocking seeds into their beds, may they find, en’root, be’hold, be’held, be’leaf, be bud be blossom to flower, may be fruit capable to cradle new seed…

Lettuce, let us release belief to be held, beholden to the part we play in a dance far greater than the plastic castle of bitumen sludge spewing hydraulicFRACKtured blanched waters like chemotherapy for the Earth Mother’s body, evaporating up to be spun through turbine jet wings, exhausted now, spinning lines of free radicals growing cancerous cloud covers, raining acid to accompany the thunderous megaload transfers of raped materials industrially manipulated to create massive machines whose sole purpose is to rape and pollute a world we might be able to live healthfully and creatively with indefinitely if we can end the successions of the mighty few who profit now by the tens of millions of people made slaves to the purchase and wage enslavement of products that are weakening our immunity, toxifying the planet and numbing us like Huxley’s “soma” in the Brave New World the colonial patriarchy create by killing the Goddess and disparaging(despair raging through) the Mystic Creative power of the unknowable Feminine that whispers our names on a moon breeze of soft qi only your true presence can perceive because it’s speaking through the aggregate of every atom of your being calling out to you: “See you are a shining knight, a star of beauty to transform visions of brutal night, not in the least bit little, but a big bright phenomenal Light!”

…just imagine when we unite…

Quan Yin

Compassion Heals





Blessed Be.


This commentary was especially inspired by Trey: Harold Fanando Owens III and the Documentary: Pink Ribbon Inc. Directed by Lea Pool.


December 6, 2013 CommonThread Commentary Is.3


By Alexandria “Rain” Smith

This piece is dedicated to everyone who doesn’t feel worthy of the liberation we all deserve. We all deserve the Freedom to feel through what we are feeling; to listen and follow our emotion into understanding. We are all worthy of living, feeling, breathing, learning many practices, praxis’ of exploring how we relate and what we create by our own offerings. I dedicate this Peace to every being that has been so challenged to follow their creative passions because an Other, in their weakness, felt threatened by what we might be, empowered—truly the most tragic mishap of all history, the cause of immeasurable pain, these kinds that fester, are refracted and perpetuated through concepts of time. In our moments of eclipsed light may we see the auras of the courageous candles that burned their way through the walls of adversity that others may follow and see: it’s a long road, so you gotta decide what it’s worth to be free.

“Creating health requires making a paradigm shift… to a new way of thinking about and being in relationship with our bodies, our minds, our spirits, and our connection with the universe.” –Chistiane Northrup Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom

“It is what we make out of what we have, not what we are given that separates one person from another.” Nelson Mandela Long Walk to Freedom

We dream ourselves forward. Transformation born of our hope, our need; discovered, within a dry wrinkled weakened sheath, a most beautiful and tiny seed willing to swallow us through the birthing canal into a new day’s dream.  We follow the footsteps of the most beautiful courageous being we can imagine could be. Be, as Florida Scott-Maxwell put it, “Fierce with reality.” We look upon the living tapestry and acknowledge the disease along with the beauty. We refuse to deny that “indelible blight” of Apartheid, American slavery, the Andrew Jackson-Nazi-Pol Pot-Pinochet-Generals of the Dirty War-Mbotu Sese Seko-regimes of unquantifiable atrocities, all these scars we bear as humanity. We will not forget the paths that brought us into darkness that we may face the challenge of bringing each other back into the light. Blessings for the struggles to suture the gashes they were, were born of “proud rebelliousness, a stubborn sense of fairness” that rallies the mistreated to arise!

Life patterns entrap us when they’re not helping to imprint us with positive reinforcement, giving us strength to realize the best stance to take at the moment we are asked what we have to offer. We make the decisive and patient choice to untangle the knots of our conditioning formed by the battles of our personal experience. Meditating upon the mediation of enemy perspectives we hear the song describing the Good Red Road between them. As fully prismatic, multifaceted beings, we become willing to take a multifaceted approach to a life of re-creating health, regenerating the wealth of collective wholeness. We confront the imprisonment of habitual fears, entrenched in presumption culturally created by a hierarchical perspective to maintain perverted states of control, We are breaking free to realize we can lay the foundations that allow true strength to catalyze and evolve into miraculous collaborations no one alone could have ever foreseen.

On this walk, we take with us the wisdom forged before us, for us. We listen to the voices calling within us speaking the languages of fellow ailments wailing like a mighty chorus. We retreat when the violence simply floors us, but we will never surrender our will to wait for a break in the storm to let the rainbow once again shine and realign the paradigms in order to see the path of mending before us.



Blessed Be.

November 29, 2013 CommonThread Commentary Is.2

November 29, 2013

Reality Bytes (Poetic Commentary)

Written by Alexandria “Rain” Smith

Dedicated to four directions of Indigenous Resistance; the actions of every person born to this planet that protect and preserve the ability for life beyond humanity to thrive. To those who Idle No More, who Occupy the heart of resistance in order to protect what we’ve not yet lost, to heal what’s been lost, broken, victimized, taken, and to grow natural empowerment that nourishes the diversity all life needs to face the challenges of disease. To the Peace wagers that would silence violence with their own flesh in order to suffocate the perpetuation of war-cultures colonizing, today my heartstrings play for you.


Today the Earth spins, the Moon guides tides, the sun illuminates.

Today my giving thanks is a dance perpetuating balance that elucidates.

Today, arisen strong with remnants of gratitude crazy quilted together into memories wooly and warm for snuggling up with when comforting camaraderie, not faded but gone far away to alight upon other focal points of exchange, for giving through formless self, gifts of form in time and space; treasures of wealth that defy a material gauge.

Today while many are judging their day by how much they are able to buy, how much money they are able to spend or save, today I contemplate the many who are taking to the cold in attempts to save time for the future. Those that are standing along roadways in protest of heavy equipment driven to further degrade our quality of living. Those that are in the streets in protest of government regimes that continue to value corporate schemes higher than what the communities they govern really need. Those that are chained to trees, heavy machinery, or busy telling resistance stories. Those that are gathering to support workers, to support first nation rights, to support the environments that sustain more than us, to support the peaceful flights of reality that are changing communities from within by challenging the prejudicial structures that attempt to uphold schisms.

Today I give thanks for every person who faces danger, judgment, extreme weather or political environments in order to personally proclaim truth to power, whether I agree with their perspectives or not. I give thanks for the disease that guides us to learn causes to cure. I give thanks for the difficult paths that teach the courage to endure.

Today I give thanks today for free, to freedom- the place where prosperity reigns for everyone to enjoy with equanimity, the place where what we create is valued more than status, ownership and profitability. Where our creative intentions are for the benefit of all and weaken none. That’s where my gratitude calls home. Where blue scarves are tokens of solidarity beneath our universal sky-dome, where different creeds, religions, political perspectives and beliefs can still acknowledge grounds for unity.



What really lay beneath?

Today I am grateful for all that surrounds me, for I know so little of the whole story. I am grateful for this ability to glide along and witness more and more international and intentional communities. I am grateful for these times, for these challenges that are allowing more and more people to abandon ‘us and them’ for ‘We’. I am grateful for dreamers making the gardens for their dreams to seed. I am grateful for the wombs, the womyn, the moon dancers who carried us into the light. For their partners in the dance that create new life from hipstories twisting or intellectual electric tendrils conceiving insight to bear new beings. Sprouted to grow the length of the praxis lines we follow spiraling. To greet rising sons and daughters of new tomorrows grounded in the strength of our Mother, the Mother of all, this Mother ball that holds us for the length of the journey carrying us upon foundations of mystery within the atmosphere of creation being born between the dancing of Earth and Sun through this shimmering galaxy.



Blessed Be

Pondering a Common Core…

Petals of the Lotus

Petals of the Lotus

Preliminary Reading:





I concede to a “common core”

But my agreement is no writ

In stone


Or bone

In colors of Mother

Or Father

Or sum financial factor

My assessment is not contained by standards

But I don’t mind testing

How boring without obstacles blessing!

For every challenge faced

Becomes a TESTament of personal progression.

What if we tested our children

In ways that taught us

How best to draw them deeper

With lines not linear

But spiralling

Through the thick and thin

Of what they love

And struggle in

Tests that teach them

To plant confidence

In the composting nutrients of mistakes

Turned over and over again

Until they break down into revelation

Witnessing of self

For self

To see the seeds of conscious wisdom bloom

Into the dreams each day breaks open….


(written August 13, 2013; Alexandria “Rain” Smith)

November 22, 2013 CommonThread Commentary Is.1

November 22, 2013

Reality Bytes (Poetic Commentary)

Written by Alexandria “Rain” Smith

Dedicated to All Life that faces the force of the storm, most recently those in the Philippines struggling to regain ground after Yolanda(aka Haiyan), Somalians who faced a Cyclone for 4 days, not forgotten are those still feeling the refrains of all the floods, fires and winds past, beyond, beyond, beyond. All that face a rain of bullets, bombs, drones and their shrapnel, All that face the Earth shaking from deep relief or shallow man-made mines ensnaring, especially those in the heart of Africa whose mines are deep made by strength of men alone, alone done this way for the shallow needs of other men’s sadistic-lasciviency.



How long we gwan fall for them sellin’ us more for less? When less is more… less lies, less deception, less dissolution of our inherent common ground… More facts, more clarity, more solutions to regenerate our natural ability to rebound… Less plastic shit cluttering our lives until cracked, scratched, melted, deemed broken, and taken to a pile in Indonesia or maybe it’s floating in the ocean… More quality to our gifts; both material creative and deep psyche-social sharing, growing the praxis grounds of our presents flowering like phenomenal mushroom shapes straight from the shallow ditch of our apathetic wallowing… Less decisions made by money and profit interest… More collaboration that guides community empowerment and resilience.

Look how our cultures become cannibals eating alive our extended families of fantastic forms; aggregates of our planetary body’s whole.

Will I survive to see perish… 1 in 4 mammals, 1 in 8 birds, 1 in 3 fish, 2 in 5 amphibians, more than ½ the flowering plants and insects… what will we do upon the disparagement of our garden when our basic needs to eat, drink and breathe are completely reliant upon supply through industrial means, owned by faceless corporate regimes? Who will decide who is worthy to receive? What happens when the storm, comes and destroys that laboratory, factory or distributive means, unwittingly unleashes pent up toxicity? Witness what’s happening and see…

Thinking of the extinction, my soul feels as though it will dry up and crumble.

This is why so many ARISE and take to the streets, this is why we stand our full height and humbly demand our right to speak and live in the ways of our ancestry that listened through the eons of time to walk in the ways of our relative species, to see their pain, violence, disease, as well as their cooperation, compassion, symbiosis, and transformation beyond behaviors thought to be concrete. We listen to knowledge being gained and shared. Now seek to implement the beautiful simplicity of relying as little as we can on electrical grids fed by coal, gas, nu(un)clear consumption and their co-destructive disease. We implement ways to use our waste the way Gaia preconceived, that what we need may continue to grow from refuse(Refuse to settle for the paradigms of corporate mandate. Re’fuse back together the electro-cosmic net, multidimensional exchanges) made co-creative fertility, compost at our feet, where we can freely scatter new seeds.

If so many fall into the hole of belief that an apocalypse is necessary; that this corrupt nihilism continues its homogenization, continues destroying the natural wealth of our inheritance…

The passionate fire for my kindred kindling, Love I feel be burning my form down to dust that will patiently wait for a child’s tears to recall what’s been laid asunder, sweet salt visioning need for the metaphors rebirthing, rain upon this ash, bring forth decay from the desert of such pain been passed, and grow the curative. Elements adhere by the frequencies of necessity transmitted through clear intention’s prayer, songs written by mystic communication crossing all dimensional lairs, aggregates accrete and form new bodies of our dreams becoming both the flowers and the bees.

May all who feel the shaking, by earth herself or by man’s artillery, find peace. Opening; like emptiness, luminous, expanding to hold support in the way listening becomes a library, holding all deep experience within electro-chemical trans-reference/transference channeling us to move like without forethought action is re’membrance of the piece you are adding to the cosmic cauldron of mending, weaving new frequencies of long forgotten, deep beating Peace… You, Universal Light, being what you are on this journey: STAR (Surrender Trust Accept Respect) Chyld spinning like a light tower beacon to guide all to the shores of our re’convergance, where/wear Rainbows of Profound Acceptance color alive the simple gifts we come to Life with.




It’s been awhile since I’ve posted thoughts here, but I’ve decided to blow the dust away and plot along again…

May the thoughts shared here, seed in an other’s internal ear

Clarity of the situations we choose to be involved in by the very apathy we allow our choices to be lost in

Inspiration to regain pro-active choices that will change our world and our lives before our very eyes….

Peace through Being



be the breeze

holding out a hand
to either side
walking on the edge
steady in the soles
closing brightness from the eye
drift forward

blanket of sensation

this body
leaves its limits

float above the world
above the subjugation
rules, etiquette, laws
broken in flight
torn from importance
by the freedom
that existed long before
this body
surrendered itself
to being swept up
by the breeze.

originally written in Tuscan AZ, winter of 2008